Wednesday, January 28, 2009

One Year From Now!

Exactly 365 days from now, 150 folks will be gathering in Key West, Florida to meet with, jam with, listen to and learn from 15 of America's finest musicians. The general public are invited to attend workshops and concerts on the island featuring two unique instruments; the mountain dulcimer and the hammered dulcimer. Not related, but very much intertwined in the national folk music scene. Alongside these two instruments will also be guitar, steel drum, banjo, Native American flute, pennywhistle and more!

Even a year away, our 150 registered slots are nearly all taken, leaving just a handful of registrations for those who want to reserve a place for the 1st Annual Key West Dulcimer Fest, taking place January 28th-31st, 2010. Admission is $95, which includes all workshops and concerts, plus special discounts on island fun. Don't miss out on a most unique holiday excursion to a tropical paradise filled with music, friends and great times!

Pre-register now by e-mailing

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